Letting God Out of the box

box350Our concept of who God is, typically comes from our religious upbringing. Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, Buddhists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Episcopalians and all the rest of the denominations have their own idea of who God is and how he manifests Himself. The sad truth is that we often hold so tightly to our own religious ideals, we fail to recognize truth as it shows up in other areas.

God is certainly bigger that any religious organization and truth is far more expansive than mankind can mine. It is arrogant to believe our “church” has a monopoly on truth. Sadly, factions, wars and genocide are often defended by those claiming to have the “truth”. Even Jesus Christ was killed because He did not align with the religion of His time.

It’s time to take God out of the religious boxes and allow His truth and His power to manifest freely without judgment, without strict tenants and without preconceived ideas of how God will move in the world. Let us all come together at the point of agreement, which has its pinnacle at the belief in a loving, Divine being.

We can disagree with another’s viewpoint while extending honor to their right to believe differently. If we focus on our differences, we will create more enmity. If we focus on our similarities, we will create more unity. As Jesus Christ Prayed “that they may all be one…” (John 17:21)

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